Marcy (Marcel) Sobral

Frontend Developer - Creating digital experiences one code at a time.

Location São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul
Marcy (Marcel) Sobral

About Me

I'm a highly curious Front-end developer always seeking to enhance my skills. My expertise includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and I'm constantly learning the latest changes in these languages. Recently, I worked on a React project for a donation app, where I created a design system. Over the years, I've managed and created fansites, allowing me to witness nearly 20 years of Front-end history. While I have experience in video editing, my main focus is Front-end development. My certifications are available on my LinkedIn profile, but most of my learning has been through trial and error and a lot of experimentation. I'm excited to find an opportunity where I can put my skills into action and continue to grow as a Front-end developer.




  • GFG

    Site to find free games, developed using GamerPower API data. Includes a custom Node.js proxy for integration. Frontend built with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
  • SnipLink

    A lightweight and different URL shortener. Using, it creates short and fun links, perfect for sharing. Features include: Fast and easy link shortening.
  • GFG Thumbnail


    Site to find free games, developed using GamerPower API data. Includes a custom Node.js proxy for integration. Frontend built with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

  • SnipLink Thumbnail


    A lightweight and different URL shortener. Using, it creates short and fun links, perfect for sharing. Features include: Fast and easy link shortening.